If you have not seen the final episodes of Blackadder Goes Forth, Man About the House, The Good Life, Only Fools and Horses, Upstairs Downstairs, Yes Minister or Blake's 7 please note that this article is very spoilerific of their final episodes and I will give away plot points. If you do not want to be spoiled please do not read further or read at your own risk.
I am fascinated about how successful TV series ends their run. As I mentioned in other articles, I devote the entire month of May to final episodes. Anything I randomly pick during the month of May will be the last episode of that series but that often works against me. Normally May is a flop with what I pick. Sometimes I will pick a series that has a really good last episode but generally the rule seems to be that I end up picking something that just ends without any real resolution. It’s OK, it happens; it’s random. You never know what you are going to get. The way I pick these programs randomly generally involves the name of the series which I pick out of an envelope. Not very high tech! I also put in other *things* that I can choose that can break up the monotony of just picking series out of an envelope. One of them is a sheet I put in there that just says “Theme Night”. The idea behind that is that if I pick “Theme Night”, I could pick to watch a whole evening dedicated to War programs, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Crime, etc. I figured as I picked this during May, how interesting it would be to finally pick some final episodes of some of my favourite TV series.
This article is devoted to Memorable British television
Series Finales. Please note: I am not saying the best series finales but ones I
find memorable. These are just my opinion and nothing else. Also, these series
I took from are all found in my collection. I know there are a ton of other
memorable endings out there but these are some of my favourites I can just take
off the shelf. I find that final episodes fall into a couple of categories:
death, weddings, meeting a goal, cast dispersal, and storylines that involve
This is your final warning that I am seriously going to
start spoiling the ending of these series. If you haven’t seen these series and
don’t want the ending ruined, stay away! I am not going to go into much detail
about the plot of the episodes but more as to why they were great final episodes.
Blackadder Goes Forth
Goodbyeee TX: 02/11/89
Every series of Blackadder ends with some finality but this
one was permanent. The whole series of Blackadder
Goes Forth focused around Blackadder, Baldrick, and George fighting in a
trench for the British in World War I. Although throughout the series there were
great comedic moments, the whole series felt somber and almost depressing. The
final episode is even more so. The episode starts off with Captain Blackadder
know that they will be requested to go over the top for the final push and
attack the Germans. Blackadder wants out and he is willing to go as far as
trying to convince everyone that he has gone mad. Even his last attempt to get
out of the push was to call Field Marshall Hage but he does absolutely nothing
to help Blackadder except tell him how to act like he’s just gone mad!
The episode has some great comedic moments such as when
Baldrick explain how he has been making coffee when they ran out of supplies
months ago or Baldrick poem titled “Boom”. During the entire episode there is a
feeling of doom hovering over them. I think the moment where we see that things
were going to get bad is when Melchett orders Darling to join Blackadder and
his team at the front instead of being Melchett’s personal assisitant. At the
end, all of them go over the top and attack the Germans. The action moves to
slow motion as they are running and we here the deep bellows of artillery go
off while a sad piano version of the theme song plays and ends with ominous
chords as the visuals switch from the trenches to a field of poppies.
Obviously this episode falls into characters dying section
but what makes this episode special is that there is a serious anti-war message
in it. Even though the series is set in 1917, the message is loud and clear as
George and Baldrick talk about their friends and how they have all died. Blackadder
himself is even somber in this ultimately knowing there is no way out. In fact,
just before they go over the top, there are a few moments that you would think
that Blackadder could use to get out of advancing on the Germans. These include
Baldrick saying he has another plan and Blackadder noticing the one of the
rungs of the ladder going out of the trench is broken. Ultimately Blackadder
resigns to his fate and leads his men into death. These are more victims of
war. I cannot help but tear up as I
watch that sequence. Blackadder is a horrible person but one cannot help but
like him especially not to see him or his men killed in a futile attack.
Blackadder would return in 1999 with Blackadder Back and Forth. I enjoyed that one off but Goodbyeee is the real final episode of
Man About the House
was hugely successful and after 6 series (in 3 years) it came to an end. This
is very much a typical ending with one of the characters being married off. The
thing is that Man About the House was
never a typical series. It was about one man who moved into a house with 2
other women to share on living expenses. Sounds familiar? This was remade into Three’s Company. Over the course of the last series, Chrissy
had started seeing Norman Tripp which was Robin’s brother. Norman is played by
Norman Eshley who would go on to play the Ropers’ neighbour in the spin off
series George & Mildred. The
whole episode is about watching Chrissy prepare for the wedding. Robin makes a
beautiful wedding cake for Chrissy only to accidentally destroy it when he
trips over his friend Larry when they were both drunk.
Although the ending of the series is pretty straightforward
sort of ending, the way it was written (as well as all the episodes of the
series) is never straightforward. In Man
About the House there are always nice little details to accentuate the
comedy. Such as when everyone comes in to the Registrar’s office reception area
and they are all waiting for Chrissy to show up. The Registrar comes out to
check on them and tells them they can come in once the bride arrives. Once
Chrissy does arrive Norman takes her to the Registrar’s office but being
nervous goes a little too far down the wall to another door we didn’t see on screen
until now. He opens a closet where a whole bunch of buckets come down on them. There
is also when Robin is trying to make a speech at the wedding and he clinks his
glass with his fork to get everyone’s attention but shatters the glass with it.
When he tries to give his best man speech, he starts to read his speech he
prepared then decides he doesn’t need it. After 2 seconds of fumbling to find the
right words to say, his dad hands him back the speech to read which he does but
it is only about five words long.Then of course there is George & Mildred. Whenever they are on screen it is magic. At the end, everyone gives Chrissy a little kiss goodbye as she and Norman about to go on their honeymoon. George goes over there and gives her a little peck on the cheek which Mildred observes, “That’s as romantic as George gets.” The last one to give Chrissy a kiss is Robin and those two kiss for a very long time in front of everyone. It’s uncomfortable and hilarious all at the same time. A great way to end a great series.
The Good Life Anniversary TX: 22.05.77
The final episode of The
Good Life focused around Tom’s birthday, Jerry getting a big promotion at
the toy factory and the anniversary of when Tom talked Barbara into changing
their lifestyles and become self-sufficient. Tom has been in a bad mood as
nothing has been going their way and he is starting to doubt why he even
bothered to change their life so drastically. After Jerry finds out he got his
promotion, they all grab bottles of champagne and go back to the Good’s house
where they find the house has been broken into and vandalized. It’s a really
sad moment as no one deserves this kind of destruction, especially the Goods.
It’s a moment where we are not sure what the Good’s reaction will be. Nothing has
gone their way. Tom and Barbara, although very saddened as to what has happened
to their house, ignore their surroundings and start talking about what they
will do tomorrow in their back garden. They will not let this deter them from
their dream. They all toast with the champagne to the Good Life. Of course that
was lost on us Americans as the series was renamed over here as Good Neighbours.
The last episode sees the Goods forced with making a
decision. The anniversary of when they gave up all worldly possessions and they
feel they have not been as successful as they thought they would be. In fact
they feel like things are getting worse. This is a great finale because it’s
not a hard out for the series. It’s not a big goodbye episode. In fact, it
allows them to come back to do more episodes….in fact they did, twice! The
episode also shows off the close friendship between the Goods and the
Leadbetters. Margo and Jerry may sometimes look like they are snobs, mainly because
Margo basically is, but they are always there for the Goods.
Only Fools and Horses
Time On Our Hands TX: 29/12/96
This is one of those series endings where the characters you
have watched for a considerable number of years achieve a goal they always
wanted. Since the beginning of Only
Fools and Horses, Del Boy has been telling people that “By this time next
year, we’ll be millionaires”. By the end
of Time On Our Hands, he was. Del and
Rodney made their money from a very old one of a kind time piece. It’s called
the Harrison “lesser watch”. It had been in their garage for years. In fact it
dates back to the first episode. In the first episode, Rodney wants to keep
track of their inventory which makes Del Boy furious. Because of the nature of
their business and where they get their stock from, it’s best not to keep
records. In Time On Our Hands, it was
a good thing that Rodney kept records and receipts because that had proven they
were the rightful owners of the watch. At auction, their watch went for over 6
million pounds and they bought houses, cars, the lot. By the end of the episode
Del, Rodney and Uncle Albert were walking off into the sunset.
That was until 2001. For some reason, a perfect ending was
not good enough for John Sullivan. Succumbing to public pressure of people
wanting to see more Only Fools and
Horses, he brought us the first of the new final trilogy, If They Could See Us Now. I lambast it here.
Time On Our Hands was the perfect
ending for a series that lasted 16 years. The whole cast was together and it
was funny. When the series came back, it was alright but comedy is about timing
and when Only Fools and Horses
originally went off the air, it left at the right time. Wherever possible, I
consider Time On Our Hands as the
proper finale to Only Fools and Horses.
Be careful. All sorts of Upstairs Downstairs spoilers here. From the very start of the
episode it is clear that the series is ending. Right from the start Richard
Bellamy and Sir Geoffrey are discussing what is left of James’ estate. James
committed suicide in the previous episode. He owns the house 165 Eaton Place
but had so many debts that the house needs to be sold off. Georgina is going to
get married and eventually will become a Duchess (just not on Duke Street) and the
staff downstairs are figuring out what to do with their lives once the house
closes. Probably the most surprising is Hudson and Bridges getting married. As
a form of charity, they take Ruby with them too.
It is an emotional episode with a lot of good things
happening such as the marriage and all the goodbyes. A couple of scenes really
stick out. When Hudson is helping Richard to get dressed, Richard remarks how
much he will miss him. There is also a moment when Edward tells Hudson that he
will be the butler to the Stockbridges. Edward wasn’t originally going to be a
Butler but a lesser role until Hudson told Edward to go back to them request
that he becomes butler. It is on Hudson’s advice that gets Edward his new job. Hudson is moved by this and gives Edward his
book of notes he has always kept as he will no longer need it. I would have
rather seen a spin off with Daisy and Edward rather than Thomas & Sarah who
I never liked but that’s for another day. The final scenes with Rose going
through the empty rooms of the house are really nostalgic as we hear the voices
of her past. I have not seen the new series from 2010. It was shot in HD yet
was not released on Blu Ray. If there ever is a Blu Ray release, I will then
pick it up. For now, I couldn’t have asked for a better episode for this
series.Yes Minister Party Games TX: 27/12/84
Two years after the final episode of Series Three and over a
year before the start of Yes, Prime
Minister we have this little gem. I know I went through a big argument
about how Yes Minister and Yes, Prime Minister are one series. I
still do look at it that way but this is the final episode of the series to say
Yes Minister on the titles but more importantly
it is a transitional episode. At the beginning of the episode you would have no
idea that Hacker could be PM by the end of it. Yet only Hacker could find his
way into Number 10 by taking a stance on the British Sausage. The EEU was going
to have it made illegal because of what was in the sausage. Well, that’s not
entirely true but that’s what Hacker wanted you to believe. I wish I had more
space to write about this episode because I really do think it is one of the
best. Even Humphrey and Bernard get promoted. At the beginning of the episode
Humphreys is promoted to Cabinet Secretary taking over from Arnold who is
retiring. By the end of the episode before Hacker becomes Prime Minister, he
asks Bernard to become his Principal Private Secretary.
If this episode would have been the last episode ever it
would have made a great ending to the series. Having it go on two more years as
Yes, Prime Minister was just fine
with me. I don’t think Yes, Prime
Minister is as strong as Yes
Minister but that’s like saying platinum is lesser value to gold. They’re
both precious! For many years, at least to me, it was very hard to get a hold
of a copy of this episode. PBS would show the first three series of Yes Minister, skip Party Games and go right into Yes,
Prime Minister. For years the best quality copy I had was a dub from an
A&E off air recording. Not perfect but the comedy shone through even 3rd
or 4th generation video.Blake’s 7 Blake TX: 21.12.81
If you have never seen the end of this series, leave this
page now! I had seen Blake way back
in the late 1980s. It actually was probably one of the first episodes of the
series I have ever seen. I really only remember the ending. It’s weird as it
seems like it was an old series when I saw the finale but in fact the episode
was probably only like 8 years old.
Everyone, including the cast and crew, thought Blake’s 7 was done at the end of Series
3. How shocking it must have been for them to hear the continuity announcer at
the end of the episode saying how the series would be returning next year!
Gareth Thomas was asked to appear one more time as Blake and he was happy to do
so only if his character would be completely killed off. Hell, they threw in
the deaths of everyone else too for good measure. Of course, that is the point
of debate. Did the rest of Avon’s crew really get killed? When Avon shot Blake,
he blew a big whole into Blake’s stomach and we saw blood. Everyone else could
have just been stunned. The producers probably did it this way as they were
watching to see if there were any more continuity announcers who were going to
re-commission their series. Of course, this really was meant to be the final
episode the series. It’s weird how Avon is looking for Blake (and conveniently
found him) to be nothing more than a figurehead. Avon was going to use him.
When Avon saw Blake and thought he betrayed everyone to the Federation, he was
shocked. Not surprised but shocked in a hammy and comedic way that only Paul
Darrow can deliver. He was also very trigger happy. Don’t think for a moment
that I didn’t recognize how profound and serious this moment was. Avon killing
Blake ended Blake’s 7. Regardless if
anyone else survived, it didn’t matter the Federation won….at least on that
front. I do wish Servalan would have been in the episode in some way.
Clearly Star Trek
Generations looked to this episode to see how a spaceship crashes. Scorpio
crash lands on Gauda Prime. It crash lands on the planet taking out tons of
trees. Inside the ship, all of the consoles and equipment get ripped up from
the floor and hurdles everything to the front destroying everything. It sounds just
like how the Enterprise D crashes. Both good ships; too bad.I have said that I have not really been able to get into this series here. Watching Blake, may have changed my mind. It was very good and had a very doom-laden feel to the whole thing, especially when Blake was on screen. The final shot before the credits of Avon surrounded by the Federation guards is excellent and the gun shots firing over the closing credits is chilling. Nice job!
Like I mentioned at the start of this article, these are just some of the great final episodes of series in my own collection. Others that are very notable (in my collection) are The Brittas Empire, ‘Allo ‘Allo! , Butterflies, Dad’s Army, Lovejoy, Men Behaving Badly, The Prisoner, Sapphire and Steel, and To The Manor Born. But all of those are for another day.
What are some of your favourite final episodes? Be careful
of spoilers!
Next week: On
17/5/12 Richard Marson made a documentary that was actually a love letter to
BBC Television Centre. Next week, I will be constructing a love letter to
Richard Marson’s BBC4 documentary Tales
of Television Centre.
Have a great week!
Do you have feedback, article requests or want to talk about a program but do not want to leave a public comment? Feel free to drop me an e-mail at FTA13867@gmail.com
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