It’s hard to believe it’s already time to write about the
Parts 5 & 6 of this series. It goes by really fast and in the course of 6
episodes a lot of stuff happens. Remember, when we started this series, it was
a day after everyone had gone blind. We, as viewers, were introduced to an
incredible and mysterious plant life known as the Triffids. We have seen human
atrocities that we would have never thought possible and we see how people
react in crisis from both sides of the spectrum: kindness and cruelty. Just
think, this was all caused by some fantastic meteor……or was it?
here to read about Part One & Part Two
here to read about Part Three & Part Four
Part Five TX: 08/10/81
thinks he can convince Ms. Durrant of the shortcomings of this community and
rally them to be more realistic of what is happening around them and how to
survive more efficiently. Unfortunately,
Ms. Durrant does not agree with his views and both Coker and Bill head off to
find Jo. Bill is pretty sure that if Jo can, she will be heading towards The
Sussex Downs. As they travel, they stop in a village after a blind man waives a
white flag as they drive by. He comes out to them but a Triffid is waiting and
kills him. Bill kills the Triffid with the Triffid gun. Coker decides that he
wants to make another go at Tynsham. He wants to belong in a community. He
takes one of the Lorries and heads back.
Driving on
his own, Bill ends up nearly hitting a young girl as she runs out into the
road. Her name is Susan. Her and Bill travel to The Sussex Downs and eventually
find Jo. That seems very lucky to me but I know we need to keep the series
moving. Bill decides that everyone on Shirning Farm (where Jo is staying)
should join the community at Tynsham so Bill goes back to tell Coker.
Unfortunately, when he gets there, he finds that the disease has taken just
about everyone there. Dead bodies are scattered all over the place including
Ms. Durrant. There is no sign of Coker. It is decided that Bill, Jo, Susan and
the rest stay where they are. The last shot of the episode is the outside of
the house with the Triffids waiting.
The first
four episodes had some Triffid action but they are really in force by this
episode. There are some very grim images of Triffid attacks. There is a
wonderful shot of Bill and Coker driving under a bridge and the camera pans to
a dead body on the bridge with Triffids looking on. A lot happens in the
episode and there is a ton of travelling throughout. It starts out in London then
moves on to Tynsham, then to The Sussex Downs. Yet, with all the movement, if
almost feels to me like a bit of padding even when there is so much happening. I
think the good news is that we really get to see the Triffids as they almost
start to become the dominant life-form in the UK. Bill still doesn’t believe
that the Triffids are capable of actually thinking or being instinctive but he
sees for himself first hand. The incident in this episode with the blind man
killed by the Triffid at the village. The Triffid had been biding its time,
waiting for this man to come out. Bill is becoming more convinced.
Part Six TX: 15/10/81
change very quickly. Susan needed to light a fire to alert Bill and Jo to get back
to the house once Coker arrived. The problem is that a military group that has “control”
over the area saw the smoke from this fire and make their way to the property
too. It is led by a man named Torrence. Torrence explains to them that they will
need to take on more blind people and create basically a work camp. Susan will
be moved to another sector where she will also take on another work camp. Luckily
for everyone, both Bill and Jo are extremely smart. They do not bat an eye to
any of this. They accept Torrence’s new decree and they happily offer Torrence
and his men a chance to have dinner and stay the night so they can all
celebrate the new arrangement and friendship. Bill wants nothing to do with
this new way of life and creates a plan for everyone to escape this military group.
Right away, Bill has a plan which is to get the soldiers very drunk, sabotage
the military vehicles and get out. They do this successfully and leave the
military to the onslaught of the Triffids. Now, do Bill and everyone else make it
to the Isle of Wight? It is not seen on screen but I like to think they do.
without Paul’s wonderful Triffid site, I would never have known about one
interesting fact. This is probably made very obvious in the book but do you
remember back in Part Four when this
mad man guns down Alf and other blind people who were in the care of Bill? That
was Torrence. Nothing is made of it in the TV adaptation with the exception that
the person who was cast to play this murderer and Torrence is the same person.
It is a wonderful underlying moment and it made me love this program all the
more for it. It isn’t shoved in your face and if you aren’t careful, like me,
you could miss it altogether. Also, throughout this entire story, we are led to
believe that this meteor caused everyone to be blind. Bill had a different
idea. As he puts it, we don’t know all the satellites that rotate around the
planet. What if one of them was a weapon of mass-destruction? What if it was accidentally
or purposefully set off and its purpose was to blind everyone? This could also
explain the disease that came out of nowhere that has ravaged the population
almost immediately after everyone went blind. That could be part of the same
weapon or a different one. There is a really good chance that this was a
man-made catastrophe. It seems believable to me which makes the story more terrifying.
Who knows what horrible abominations created by someone else is waiting to be
unleashed on us!
The Day of the
Triffids is nice
because it doesn’t have a lot of actors that I have seen before. It doesn’t
mean they are not famous, I just haven’t seen anything with them before. Bill
is played by John Duttine who has been in a number of programs such as Jesus of Nazareth, People Like Us, Wuthering
Heights, and Doc Martin among so
much more. He plays Bill as a level-headed smart person who is able to take all
the changes around him in stride. If he loses his temper it is for a good
reason otherwise he is very intelligent. Especially when it comes to Triffids
which is very important now.
Emma Relph
plays Jo. She is someone else I am not too familiar with and looking at her
entry in IMDB it looks like she hadn’t acted (at least on TV) since 1990. Jo
was someone else who was able to adapt. It probably helped that she found a
smart partner in Bill. When we first meet her, she is attacked by a blind man
and is forced to do his will. To be fair, she had no idea the entire population
turned blind. She learned from the mistake and became a very strong person.
There were some actors I was very familiar with in this series. At the top of
the list was Maurice Colbourne who played Coker. He played him as someone who
used treachery to actually help the blind. Once he and Bill partnered with each
other, Coker becomes a very trusted ally and friend. Of course Colbourne played
Lytton in Doctor Who on two separate
occasions but also played Tom Howard in Howard’s
Way. Sadly, Maurice Colbourne was taken away from us too soon as he died in
1989 at the age of 49. Other people that I recognize are Morris Barry, Pat
Gorman and John Hollis who plays the very sympathetic character of Alf.
This is a
great presentation of this series. It is the normal mix of videotape interiors
and film exteriors. I don’t know if any of the film inserts exist for this
story but they appear on this DVD very strong. They looked like a good transfer
which I am assuming is original to the episode. I didn’t notice any tape
drop-out on the episodes themselves. Everything looked as good as can be
expected for the time period these episodes were made.
This was
released during a period when the BBC were releasing other vintage series of
the same or similar genre such as The
Invisible Man, The Nightmare Man,
Adam Adamant Lives!, and The Quatermass Trilogy. All of these, with
the exception of Adam Adamant Lives!,
were released in 2005 and all of these releases included DVD viewing notes
written by noted TV historian Andrew Pixley. The only thing that I dislike
about this release is the cover. It looks like some cheap made for TV movie or
something and it is obviously anything but that. It’s kind of hard to see that
big orange thing on the cover is a Triffid. It’s one gripe from an otherwise
excellent DVD release and a very worthwhile classic BBC series.
Last week I
mentioned that in Part Four, the blind
girl who was sent to seduce Bill into staying was horribly beaten by the rest
of the blind people who didn’t believe he was going to stay upon her return. I
got that one wrong. The blind people left because they were frightened that
more people were getting the disease in their community including the girl. She
had the disease and was not beaten. I don’t know why I thought she was. She
mentions she is not brave and wants Bill to give her something to hurry up the
process of her dying; to finish her off. Thank you Paul for pointing this out!
I will amend my article from last week.
Some information used in this article comes from Paul Thompson
who is a massive fan of all things Triffid and his website can be found
Other information came from the DVD Viewing Notes booklet written by Andrew
Pixley from 2005.
Some news:I am getting into the reviewing business for this blog. I will be publishing reviews for some upcoming releases in the next few weeks for Acorn’s release of the Blu Ray of Poirot Series 6, Injustice and the 2002-2003 version of The Forsyte Saga. I hope to be doing more reviews from other labels too and I hope to share some other exciting news here soon. For next week, it will probably be the reviews I am publishing until I get my rhythm going. By no means am I going to stop the random viewings. In fact as I write this, I am watching the first and last episodes of The Last Detective (the Pilot & Dead Peasants Society) and will continue to write these articles. Lots of cool, fun stuff going on so please stop back and please let anyone who has an interest in British television know about this site.
Have a
great week!
Do you have feedback, article requests or want to talk about a program but do not want to leave a public comment? Feel free to drop me an e-mail at FTA13867@gmail.comAlso please subscribe to my From the Archive: British Television Blog Facebook Page for updates about new articles.
Congratulations on your promotion from mere blogger to high and mighty reviewer!
You mention you will be reviewing the newer version of The Forsyte Saga. Did you ever get around to watching the classic black & white version? Would love to hear your opinion on how they compare!
On a side note, I finally completed my run through The Avengers, and what a romp it was. My randomizer has me moving back to classic britcom insanity with It Ain't Half Hot Mum, should be fun to revisit that.
Yeah, right. Nothing high or mighty here but it should be a fun experience.
I have not watched the 1960s version of The Forsyte Saga yet but maybe I can get to it soon. It's been on my to view list for years....along with a whole lot of other stuff.
I have never been able to get into It Ain't Half Hot Mum but I have all the DVD sets. I suppose it's another one I should watch sometime soon.
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