Sunday, December 18, 2016

From the Archive Podcast Episode 2 Is Here!

Episode 2 of our podcast, From the Archive, picks up with the second part of our interview with Kaleidoscope CEO Chris Perry. In the previous episode, we talked at great lengths about missing episodes, television preservation and archives. This episode is no different! We talk a lot about the finds that Kaleidoscope announced this year including a streak of ABC/BBC material announced in October, we talk a little about the double-edge sword a prominent series like DOCTOR WHO does to the overall publicity of missing episodes and we talk a lot about the famous Bob Monkhouse archive. We have a lively and controversial discussion about TILL DEATH US DO PART that may go against the norm. There may be some language used in historical context on this program. The views and opinions of this conversation are those of people on the podcast and do not necessarily reflect those of Kaleidoscope or From the Archive. After the interview, there is reflection about 80 years of BBC television and some letters are read from the RADIO TIMES regarding the public taking to the new Doctor Patrick Troughton during the broadcast run of POWER OF THE DALEKS.

If you have feedback or questions you would like to have read on the podcast or general inquiries, please contact us at We would love to hear from you! This podcast is a co-production between From the Archive: A British Television Blog and Kaleidoscope. Thank you for listening.


Anonymous said...

Thank you from the archive and kaleidoscope for an enthralling interview any chance if a programme about bob monkhouse many thanks for a great programme

JJ said...

Congratulations Greg for creating such a fantastic podcast. I've been enthralled by all of them so far and look forward to your next one. Keep up the good work.