This is the fourth part of a series
of articles celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. Over the
years there are certain stories that mean a lot to me either from personal
memories or involvement I had in fandom through the years. These articles are
not meant to be close examinations of the plot or production but more about
what these stories mean to me on a personal level. Enjoy.
There are some things I will always
pay attention to in Doctor Who. One of those things is if the Cybermen appear
in the series. I love the Cybermen. More so I love the look of them. There is
not one version of the Cybermen I do not love. The second story of the Sixth
Doctor era was a welcome breath of fresh-air. When I saw this, the week
previous I had seen The Twin Dilemma.
I say the week previous because in my neck of the woods in the Twin Cities of
Minnesota, stories were shown as movie versions once a week. For me The Twin Dilemma was unfortunate….
I do wonder how different things
would have been if the Colin Baker era had started with Season 22 opposed to
his first story being the last story of Season 21. I don’t think there is
anything wrong with starting off a new era of a Doctor with a bold, brash
interpretation of the role. Each Doctor is very different from the previous
one, well that’s the theory. When I watched The
Caves of Androzani for the first time, it was a real interesting experience
for me. I was young and not into reading the magazines; I didn’t even know they
existed. I had no idea that Peter Davison was leaving the series. That was a
massive shock for me at the end of the story. I was a massive fan of Davison’s
Doctor. I was interested in seeing where the story between him and Peri would
go. I remember being shocked at the beginning of The Caves of Androzani because so much had changed for me. The last
story I watched was Resurrection of the
Daleks. At the end of that Tegan left which was a shock for me too but then
I missed watching Planet of Fire
because I was at a wedding. In fact that was the second story of the first run
of Season 21 I missed and I was one unhappy child. So when The Caves of Androzani began, I was really surprised that there was
no Turlough but this new companion Peri had taken his place. Everything about
the story seemed different; it was like nothing I had ever seen on Doctor Who before at that point. The
Doctor heroically gives his life to save his young companion. Even as a young
boy the impact of this gesture was heartfelt. Then the Doctor regenerates. I didn’t know it was going to happen and after
he regenerates and sits up, I thought at first it was still Davison but with a
perm. I honestly thought this was a way to introduce a new hair style for
Davison! Of course then it set in this was a different actor as he started to
insult Peri immediately. In the UK after Part
Four of The Caves of Androzani
came Part One of The Twin Dilemma. For us in the US, The Caves of Androzani effectively ended Season 21 and The Twin Dilemma was held over for
Season 22 or more accurately put the Colin Baker syndication package through
Twin Dilemma is an uncomfortable experience for me. The stuff with Mestor
and the Gastropods are fine. I think they look fine. I wasn’t aware at that
time that historically last stories of a season may have a lot less money
available than other stories. This production did look cheap. A lot of tinsel
or silver sparkly crap and costumes made of purple reflective material. All of
this was fine but the Doctor was horrible. I understand the whole concept of
post-regeneration trauma but I think it was irresponsible for the production
team to allow the Doctor to try and kill Peri. Didn’t I just get done saying in
the paragraph above that the Doctor just gave up one of lives to save her? So,
he regenerates to only go on to try and kill her? How did JN-T find this
acceptable? Peri is truly one of the most accepting and forgiving humans in the
history of humanity. This was the new image of a character that started out 21
years ago that was left with the British viewer for months until the series
returned with Season 22. For us in the US, luckily we only had to wait for the
following week.
Of course the wait between Season
21 and Season 22 in the US seemed to take forever at least in my city. It
probably was nowhere near as long as I thought but it felt like years. The Twin Dilemma was a bust for me but
looking in my TV Guide, I saw the next episode was Attack of the Cybermen. Immediately things started to get better
for me. The cool underground sequences in the sewers, the tombs of the Cybermen
on Telos, the concept of the Cybercontroller, the idea of the Cybermen’s
original world coming to Earth in 1986. These were all amazing concepts that I
loved. Of course, I had no idea at the time that these concepts were already in
place in other stories. None of these were new. Looking through old
publications of the time, fans picked up on this right away. After I found out
that all these ideas turned up in other stories, it made no difference to me. I
still loved it.
I think the 1980s version of the
Cybermen looked best in this story. The costumes seem cohesively put together,
the head piece does not look like a mask. It looks much more integrated into
the rest of the costume. I was so taken by them in this story that I remember a
friend and I made our own Cybermasks out of brown grocery bags. It actually
wasn’t that bad for what it was. That is of course if you like your Cybermen
looking like they are made out of brown grocery bags. I could have covered the
mask in tin foil but chose not to because I was bored with making it by the
time I had gone that far.
I loved the exterior filming that
included a small effect to give the exteriors of Telos a slightly bleak look to
it. The music was consistent with music in Earthshock
which at a young age I appreciated but then there was another cue from the
music that played over and over which is stuck in my head for the rest of my
life. Do you know which one I am talking about? I also remember being taken aback by the blood
on Lytton’s knuckles as the Cybermen torture him. Unlike The Twin Dilemma, Attack of
the Cybermen looked like it had a budget. There seemed to be unlimited
Cybermen including black stealth Cybermen lurking in the sewers. It seemed so
obvious that their appearance could be augmented by their surroundings. It was
camouflage; it was smart. Why has this not been done again? I am a huge fan of
the TARDIS console room (and still am) that was introduced in The Five Doctors. We get a ton of TARDIS
shots and different rooms in this story. We get pretty compelling characters
such as Lytton, Griffiths, Russell (I didn’t realize this was Terry “Davros”
Molloy at the time), Payne, Stratton and Bates. The problem was they ALL die.
It’s actually a pretty dire and bleak story. There are a lot of people who are
trying to do different things in the story. Lytton wants to help the Cryons
(Microsoft Word autocorrected this to Crayons which is fine by me), Griffiths
and Payne want to make a ton of money from stealing diamonds which is a job
headed by Lytton, Russell wants to apprehend Lytton because he sees him as a
criminal, Stratton and Bates are part of a bigger plan with Lytton to get off
Telos after destroying the Cybermen relinquishing control of the planet back to
the Cryons. It really doesn’t end well for anyone. Even the Doctor gets a
lesson in what happens when he refuses to believe Lytton actually wants to
I love this story for all the reasons
above. As I may have mentioned elsewhere, I always tried to get other people to
watch the series with me or at least watch it on their own. When I was younger,
I could never understand why people did not love Doctor Who as much as I did. Doctor
Who would air here in the Twin Cities on KTCA on Friday nights and Saturday
nights starting at 10pm or 10:30pm. When the Colin Baker stories debuted on
this station, I believe it was around October/November of 1985 and it was on
Friday nights. Some of my favourite memories were being in grade school (it was
a Catholic school) and waiting all day Friday during school for Doctor Who that night. It was all part
of the anticipation. It made the day so exciting to make it through an autumn
day and knowing that a school week would end with new Doctor Who. The Saturday morning after Attack of the Cybermen aired, my Dad was at the kitchen table and
mentioned to me that he was channel surfing on TV the previous night and caught
some of the story. This was where I was hoping he would say that he actually
liked it. His response was simply, “it was lousy.” Of course he would say that!
Jump forward 28 years, both him and my Mom watch Matt Smith on BBC America.
In May of 1985 there was a big
event that was announced on KTCA. Peter Davison would be making an appearance
at an old venue in St. Paul called the Prom. I would have been 11 at the time
and I remember seeing this promo for the event on KTCA that took footage from Warriors of the Deep and I knew I needed
to be at this event. The concept of meeting someone from the series or that
fact that such an event even existed all because of a TV show was truly alien
to me. I knew that if I didn’t go, I
would never have a chance to meet Peter Davison again. This was almost true; I
have met him only about 15-20 or so times since. Some occasions have been quite
awkward. Anyway, my Dad told me he would take me down there on the night to go
to this event. I had no idea what to expect. I also had absolutely no clue
about the fan base for Doctor Who in
Minnesota. Seeing how I couldn’t really find anyone I knew who was interested
in the program I figured it would be a low-key affair. I suspect there would be
a few people there. Perhaps there would be some merchandise. Maybe a few people
would be interested in meeting Peter Davison after all he was also in All Creatures Great & Small so
perhaps there would be some fans of that series there too to fill out the
venue. This was a Friday evening and once again all day at school I was super
excited to go to this. I simply couldn’t wait. I was telling all my friends
what I was doing that night. None of them cared. I get home from school and my
Dad and I drive out to University Ave which was the street the Prom used to be
on. As we got closer the anticipation was ramping up. There seemed to be a ton
of people out that night. Little did I realize there were all there to meet
Peter Davison. The line was wrapped around the building. It was chaos. It was a
small scale Longleat. My dad pulls into a parking lot but not to drop me off
but to turn the vehicle around to get back on the freeway and to go home. That
was my first Doctor Who convention.
Jump forward to October of 1986. Watching
Doctor Who on a Friday evening with
my Mom and another promo comes on for a chance to meet Colin Baker and Patrick
Troughton. Two Doctors – one convention. This time it was at the Minneapolis
Armory. I looked at my Mom who just looked back at me and said no. She
remembered the last incident. I could hardly blame her. My Dad’s career
consisted of being a sheet metal worker. What he did was fit sheet metal to the
tops of buildings under construction. It was a very serious craft and he worked
his way from apprentice on up. It was extremely demanding and exhausting work.
I think it was more dangerous than he would ever say. This is what he did to
provide for me and to give me a good life. Most nights he would come home
exhausted and fall asleep by 7pm. It was demanding work and he has physically
paid the price for it. The reason my Mom said no right from the start was
because she knew that this was also going to be hugely busy just like the Peter
Davison convention and this venue was in downtown Minneapolis. Neither my Mom
nor Dad wanted to mess around driving down there. I was cool with that. This
time, I figured maybe someday I would have a chance to meet Colin or Patrick. I
would be half right.
It’s clear that any convention
should not be a few hours on a Friday night. This sort of thing should breathe
over the course of a few days so not everyone has to accomplish the same thing in
the same amount of time. By the time I was able to meet Colin Baker, it would
have been at one of the Visions conventions in Chicago. I don’t remember the
first Visions Colin attended. It may have been the 1993 30th
Anniversary convention or maybe even 1991. I know that 1990 was Jon Pertwee.
The Visions conventions were always packed with guests from multiple series.
These were huge; they were huge names and they mostly all were flown over from
the UK. These couldn’t have made money for the convention organizers but they
certainly were able to hob-knob with their idols….at a price.
Going to some Colin Baker panels,
it was immediate at how engaging and talented he was in person. He had an
incredible quick wit and really was genuine in his appreciation of the fans. I
could see how his audition to play the Doctor was him being his entertaining
self at a wedding that JN-T attended. Maybe further reading for the part should
have been required but he has an electric personality. Why could he have not
been allowed to play it more that way? Watching him perform in the Cabaret at
conventions has always been fun.
My favourite memory of him was at
the volunteer party at the end of one of the Visions. At these things, all the
volunteers get together, have pizza and if the guests are still at the hotel
they would come down and mingle. At the Visions conventions volunteers would
also get a nice glossy picture of all the guests together in one picture and
these guests would sign their autographs over themselves. It was pretty cool! When
Colin Baker showed up, he came with this big package. Like a box. He opened it
up and inside was posters. These posters were original artwork of Colin as his
Doctor. I have never seen this artwork before or since. Perhaps it was done by
Gail Bennett who was an American artist who did a lot of Doctor Who pieces including one that ended up in Timelash. While the other guests were
all drinking and generally talking with each other and not the volunteers
(which in all honesty is fine), Colin sat down with these posters at a table
and started to sign them. He invited these volunteers to come up and take these
signed posters as a thank you from him for the work we did on the convention.
When we went up to his table to get the posters, he thanked each of us
individually for the work we did on the convention. I was deeply touched by
this and it has never left me. Truly it was one of the most humbling moments of
my time going to conventions. It gave me an immediate insight into Colin Baker.
I have heard and seen many times over the years his generosity of time and
commitment to fan organizations and I appreciate it. If you ever have a chance
to meet Colin Baker, please do so. He is beyond being a nice guy. Of course, I
spent many years hanging out with the Sixth Doctor……well sort of.![]() |
Page 1 to the script for Eye Strain. |
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Although this costume is amazing, this pic was taken before it was completely finished! |
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Although this costume is amazing, this pic was taken before it was completely finished! |
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Although this costume is amazing, this pic was taken before it was completely finished! |
Eventually, years later and many
years before the official DVD came out, I got a copy of this story on DVD
direct from the master tapes with slates! It looked great and my friends and I
made nice DVDs of this for our collection until we could buy the official
version. Here is the cover I made for it below.
One more thing about Attack of the Cybermen in regards to
who wrote it. I believe Eric Saward had said that Ian Levine had little to no
involvement with the writing of this story where Ian says that’s not true and
his involvement is pretty evident. I believe Ian completely. Knowing and
working with Ian on a number of things over the last few years, this has Ian
written all over it. The continuity references are very Ian and taking elements
from many of the past Cyber adventures is something I believe he would do. Before
anyone thinks I am saying that is a bad thing, please re-read this article.
As it happens, a couple of weeks
ago I got an e-mail from a friend. I work in Advertising and got to know this
person through work. He is a Creative Director and now works freelance. He
comes in and works for the agency I work at from time to time on projects. He
is talented and pretty cool. The e-mail he sent was simply about some Doctor
Who DVDs he got for his birthday in which one of them was Attack of the Cybermen. He simply wrote, “No better way to
celebrate a bday than with Attack of the Cybermen...” and sent a picture of the
story being played on his TV. He really likes the story just like me. In some
ways I envy him because he is a casual fan who buys only the stories he wants
to see; not all of them because he is by no means a completest. He is not a part of fandom that tells him what
stories to like and which stories are crap; he is allowed to enjoy the stories
he wants. He has absolutely no problem with the continuity references as he
accepts them as parts of the narrative. He just likes Doctor Who and honestly, that works for me.
Runner up: If I wasn’t going to write about Attack of the Cybermen then I was going to write about Revelation
of the Daleks. Little did I realise it at the time but it was an end of an era
and as a kid, I had no idea about the hiatus or what was happening to the
series at the time.
Next 50WHO article: Back in 2010 was an exciting time. Doctor Who was seriously changing in
front and behind the camera. The next 50WHO article focuses on the Eleventh
Doctor’s debut story The Eleventh Hour
but more so on how I was able to go to NY sit down and have drinks with Matt
Smith, Steven Moffat and Karen Gillan along with reps from BBC America. What a
Next week: I am trying to write regular articles again to go along
with reviews. Next week I look at the final two episodes of Dad’s Army with Number Engaged and Never Too
Have a great week.
Do you have feedback, article requests or want to talk about a program but do not want to leave a public comment? Feel free to drop me an e-mail at
I am on Twitter: @FromtheArchive
Also please subscribe to my From the Archive: British Television Blog Facebook Page for updates about new articles.
Also please subscribe to my From the Archive: British Television Blog Facebook Page for updates about new articles.
Nice,will you be doing a review on timeslip(1970/71)? If so you can use my colourised pics for the review.
Roger's costume really was brilliant. Those were the days...
Another great article, Greg! Thanks for sharing. I agree with you, Dave. Those WERE the days. Oh, to be young and carefree (and foolish) again!
Thank you all for the feedback!
Warewolfboy, I love Timeslip and when I do an article on it, I would love to be able to utilize some of your colourised pics. I have seen some of them and they are very good.
Roger, thanks for letting me use your pics and telling some of your story. It seems so long ago now when we travelled the country and went to all of these conventions and met so many people. We had to do it in person; there really wasn't an Internet!
Dave, when are we getting together to show off our British television collections to each other?
Take care,
Hi, Greg! This is really an amazing blog. It sounds like we got into WHO about the same time, and this post really took me back to the 80s. Sheer awesomeness. Thanks!
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I have enjoyed remembering these moments I took for granted at the time but looking back I realize how lucky I was on many different levels.
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Take care,
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