Monday, November 11, 2013

50WHO: Colin Baker Story Winner

The Winner is:

Revelation of the Daleks
Now we have Daleks!

Here is how voting broke down:
Revelation of the Daleks: 7 votes

Mindwarp (Trial of a Timelord 5-8): 5 votes
Vengeance on Varos: 3 votes

Timelash: 2 votes
The Ultimate Foe (Trial of a Timelord 13-14): 2 votes

Attack of the Cybermen: 1 vote
Mark of the Rani: 1 vote

The Mysterious Planet (Trial of a Timelord 1-4): 1 vote
Why I am happy Revelation of the Daleks was chosen: I am just happy a Dalek story was chosen. It is one of the darkest stories of Doctor Who and it shows just how flexible the format of the series can be. A dark story with black humour.

The story I would have picked: I love Attack of the Cybermen. It has everything including the kitchen sink in it but it works for me. It looks good and Colin is so much more enjoyable in this than his previous story.
Voting for the Sylvester McCoy story opens in about an hour. I am having a blast with this and I hope you continue to take part in choosing the stories for me to watch.

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